Kamis, 27 Juni 2013


Maafkan anakmu, ya, orang tuaku,
karena aku belum mampu sepenuhnya menjadi apa yang kalian doakan ketika kalian dengar tangis pertamaku.

Maafkan abangmu, adikku,
karena aku belum mampu menjadi seorang kakak tempatmu bersandar dan berlindung.

Maafkan adikmu, kakakku,
karena aku belum mampu menjadi adik yang patut dibanggakan.

Maafkan aku, teman-temanku,
karena aku tidak akan selamanya bisa selalu ada untuk kalian.

Maafkan aku, anak-anak kecil di pinggir jalan,
karena aku belum bisa menemukan cara agar kalian tidak perlu mencari uang dan terus sekolah.

Maafkan aku, negaraku,
karena aku belum mampu menjadi pelopor perubahan demi Negara yang lebih baik.

Maafkan hambamu, Tuhanku,
karena aku belum bisa menjadi cermin kebesaranMu di dunia yang sekejap ini dan hanya terus bisa merengek akan pertolonganMu, tanpa ada pertumbuhan iman yang berarti.

Maafkan aku, kalian yang menaruh harapan padaku,
karena kalian mungkin akan dihadapkan pada kekecewaan.

Ketika semua kegagalan berkumpul jadi satu
Ketika terlalu banyak impi tidak terwujud
Hanya satu kata yang bisa terlintas

Sabtu, 26 Januari 2013

Some Things Are Just Irreplaceable

Yes it is.
Yes I'm talking about love.

It is time I understand how those people who choose to stay alone after their loved one was taken away by a will which is beyond their power.

I bet those people have tried to replace the love they had from their late partner.

I bet they have tried to be realistic, to redirect their love to those who can stay by their side.

I bet they have tried to compensate with their job, hobbies, with their other loved ones, with a new partner who is similar to whom they loved, or even booze and boobs.

But the truth is
The love they have is not the love they had
The love they give is never the same
Some part of them are still lonely
Some part of them are left hollow
The laugh they have comes with a wish
Some even don't know how to cry anymore
The juice is never enough to get them drunk
Orgasm merely brings back sweet memories

I know this is a stage
A test to pass in the school of life
Some may encounter
Some fortunately don't
Some may overcome
Some may keep trying